Ethos and Aims of Careers at Unity Academy

With support from our providers, we aim to raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes and encourage students to consider a wide range of careers by encouraging our students to:

  • Think for themselves.
  • Develop the necessary skills to make a successful transition from school and contribute with confidence to an increasingly competitive and technological world.
  • Discover a passion for lifelong learning.
  • Develop a broad understanding of the world of work and thriving on the many enriching opportunities available in a happy and caring environment

The Academy provides external support through the ‘Future For You’. They provide careers coaches who work with our pupils on a one-to-one basis to help plan and prepare for their future. For more information, please click here

Academy Careers Team

Luke Sisson – Trust AP Lead/Careers Lead –

Mark Clifford – PD Lead/Careers Lead –


They can be contacted at the Academy office on 0115 9151271

We regularly review and update our careers offer to pupils, staff and parents – please check out the information below to find out more. We will be adding new content throughout the academic year so please save the page and check back!

Careers Model

Unity Academy’s model presents a unique opportunity and requires a creative way of working to deliver careers preparation that meets the Baker Clause. Our careers offer to pupils is delivered via the model below:-


The Academy careers offer is adapted throughout the academic year to take advantage of the new opportunities that become accessible to pupils via the Nottinghamshire South Careers Hub. The Academy meets half-termly with Futures to ensure our pupils are being supported with careers advice and guidance, and to plan additional support for those pupils most at risk of NEET. The Academy promotes careers preparation at the AP network meeting and has invited guest speakers from the sector into this network to promote their careers offer. The Academy also collects and quality assures each education provider careers offer to pupils, and will work with an education provider to strengthen their careers offer it identified.

Careers Fair 2024

The academy held their first careers fair at Denewood Academy on the 27th March 2024. This was a huge success with a wide range of organisations attending. Over 100 pupils from Woodlands, Westbury, Denewood and AP Providers attended, providing a chance for pupils to learn more about different job roles as well as potential progression opportunities. Our careers fair was made extra special by former Academy pupils who attended the event to represent their employer/organisation, sharing their experiences of education and employment. 

 A huge thank you to all the organisations that supported with stalls on the day which included;

  • The Army
  • The Royal Navy
  • HMRC Nottingham
  • CGL The Place
  • The Pythian Club
  • The Department for Work and Pensions
  • Nottinghamshire Police
  • Nottingham Police Youth Outreach
  • Nottingham College
  • Basford United Football Club
  • The NHS
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • Nottingham Forest Community Trust
  • Graham Construction
  • Nottingham City Council
  • John Pye Auctions
  • Inspire College

 We cannot wait to make our Careers Fair 2025 bigger and better!


Please check out these brilliant websites to explore future careers information and content to help you plan for your dream career!

Start – Careers Information ( – create and use Start profiles to track all the careers related experiences you take part in and build a CV

LMI For All – LMI For All – research and access up to date labour market information

MYPATH – YouTube – View a weekly video about different jobs – learn more about the world of work

Spotlight on Careers 2022 – WorldSkills UK – research information about a huge range of different jobs

Careers Advice For Young People | WorldSkills UK – explore careers and hear from inspiring role models

Career Guides For Young Adults – Youth Employment UK – look for early careers ideas and how to get into different jobs

Contact us | National Careers Service – careers advise for young people 13+ – visit website or call 0800 100 900

School Leaver Jobs | AllAboutSchoolLeavers – School leavers advice, their aim is to provide school leavers get jobs and understand the careers paths available to them

Careers advice | Who else can help | The Prince’s Trust ( – The Princes Trust website list even more websites that young people can access to get support with their future career


Further Education

Many of our pupils secure a route into further education or college to find or continue their passion. Here are links to some of the further education providers in the city.

Nottingham College

Adams Building | Nottingham College

Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies | Part of Nottingham Trent University

Home | Inspire – Culture, Learning, Libraries (



Please check the links below to access current apprenticeship opportunities. 

Current vacancies ( – check out any current apprenticeship vacancies with Nottingham City Homes

Find an apprenticeship – GOV.UK ( – use this website to find any apprenticeship vacancies in England

About ASK – Amazing Apprenticeships – learn more about how to gain an apprenticeship

Let’s Talk Apprenticeships Broadcast – free online broadcast to parents and carers in the area to find out more about Apprenticeships and to give you answers to frequently asked questions about apprenticeships.

Degree Apprenticeships Privacy and cookies ( – Please use this link to view apprenticeship vacancies with our careers enterprise partners.


Parents / Carers & Staff

Would you like to know more information about how to support your child at home or how to support a pupil in school? Here are some links to some great careers resources and up to date labour market information. 

2382_FUTURES_LMI – NOTTINGHAM ( – Access up to date labour market information for Nottingham

NCW One Stop Shop ( – careers week resources

Supporting Students – Futures for Business – Futures what next project – supporting young people POST 16

Volunteer It Yourself: Learn trade skills & help the community : Volunteer It Yourself – Volunteer it Yourself provide work experience opportunities to young people aged 16+ – they can register to volunteer with volunteer it yourself -see website for more details

Ammaarah Full guide_Parents & Carers Hints & Tips ( – This guide has been designed to help Parents & Carers explore the exciting world of apprenticeships with their child, to understand the range of resources and support services available to them, and how to access them.


Our Careers Partners

We are proud to work alongside these organisations to improve our careers offer to all pupils. 

Home | ThinkBig (

What are Careers Hubs? | The Careers and Enterprise Company

HMRC Springboard: Students celebrate life chance scheme successes (

Volunteer It Yourself: Learn trade skills & help the community : Volunteer It Yourself

Secondary school outreach programme | Nottingham Trent University

Nottingham City Homes

East Midlands Airport – Raising Aspiration programme

EON – We have recently started to work with a careers and enterprise advisor from EON who will be supporting the Academy with developing and delivering our careers programme. We are really excited about the new opportunities this partnership will be providing to our pupils.

D2N2 Enterprise Co-ordinator – We are delighted to be part of the Nottinghamshire South Careers Hub of schools. We attend regular careers networks and are made aware of new careers opportunities for our pupils via this important network. The Academy careers team work closely with our D2N2 Enterprise coordinator to continue the development of our careers programme.

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