Unity Academy was inspected on 7- 8 November 2023
Overall, the Academy received a Good judgement. The Academy has made significant improvements, moving from a previous ‘Requires Improvement’ judgement to ‘Good’ in ALL areas.
What is it like to attend this school?
Staff have high expectations of pupils. Most pupils gain qualifications in English and mathematics and other academic and vocational subjects. Their time at Unity Academy helps pupils to move on to purposeful destinations when they leave… There are clear procedures in place to help pupils stay safe. They all have trusted adults to talk to if they have any concerns. Pupils are confident that staff would deal with any problems that they may have. Pupils feel safe in the settings. They learn about local, national and international safeguarding issues that help them to make informed choices about reducing risk.
Most pupils have much better attendance at Unity Academy than they did at previous schools.
What does the school do well?
Pupils are well prepared for adult life and future learning. Across the settings, pupils receive high-quality careers education. They are aware of their different options and understand how behaving appropriately and achieving qualifications will help them to access opportunities in the future. The school works with providers to ensure that they have clear behaviour systems in place. Staff manage behaviour effectively and use rewards and sanctions appropriately. Consequently, pupils behave well in their tailored learning environments. There are demonstrable improvements in the behaviour of pupils who have particular needs.
Improving attendance is a high priority for the school. Staff track the attendance of each pupil closely. They meet every week to discuss the barriers to regular attendance and put in support. Staff work closely with outside agencies and the local authority to address issues and the ‘AP Task Force’ use bespoke strategies to reduce absence. As a result, many pupils have significantly improved attendance since joining Unity Academy. The trust’s central attendance and welfare team have provided effective support in this area.
Pupils benefit from a range of personal development opportunities that promote fundamental British values and spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness.