
We are pleased to invite and share with all our pupils and parents/carers the details of your Tootoot account.


Tootoot is an app that allows any pupil on roll at the Academy to contact a member of the Academy team in a confidential and secure way. The app providers a safe, secure and diverse web-based safeguarding tool, which allows pupils to report incidents of bullying, problems they could be having at provision or any issues that may be concerning them in an anonymous, confidential and discrete manner. All pupils and parents/carers can contact their educational settings directly if they have an concerns, however the app provides an alternative and a direct route to share any issues with the Academy.


Tootoot reduces the friction and stigma attached to the reporting of such incidents, and ultimately provides us at the Academy with the tools required to track, monitor and resolve cases efficiently and significantly reduce bullying, abuse, racism, stress, anxiety, and mental health issues. Tootoot will not only encourage our pupils to report issues and concerns, it also encourages them to work together and strengthen communication links between them and Academy staff.


In the Spring term, we shared the details of how to start using the app and your child’s login details. If you need a reminder of these login details, please contact the Academy office on 0115 9151271 or via


If your child is due to join the Academy, the Tootoot login will be provided during your child’s admission.

School Meals

During the transition phase, the team will outline arrangements for school meals with each provider. Please be assured that this arrangement will continue if your child is entitled to free school meals.


Free School Meals

Pupils that are eligible for Free school meals are required to register their details through the academy.

The pupil premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise attainment. This additional funding for schools can help to buy new equipment and resources.

If you are not currently eligible but feel there has been a change to your circumstances, then please follow the link below for more information and how to apply to check eligibility.


Free School Meal Vouchers

Those who are eligible for Free School Meals are entitled to receive vouchers for the school holiday periods. These are £15 per week and a one-off £50 for the summer holidays

The school holidays are as follows:-

  • October Half Term = 2 Weeks = £30
  • Christmas Holidays = 2 Weeks = £30
  • February Half Term = 1 Week = £15
  • Easter Holidays = 2 Weeks = £30
  • May Half Term = 1 Week = £15
  • Summer Holidays = 5 Weeks = £50

An email will usually be sent out the week before we break up for any of the above periods and is sent directly from Sodexo where you will be provided a link to follow to choose which supermarket you would like your voucher for.

If you are entitled to Free School Meals and do not receive a voucher, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the main office on 0115 9151271.


Pupils are eligible for a free bus pass if they currently in receipt of free school meals and live more than 2 miles away from the academy.

You will need to go onto the council website to do this and fill out the form and provide all proof required. The school have no involvement of renewing / issuing bus passes and it is the parent / carers responsibility to ensure this is done on time.

Please click the link below to access your Nottingham City Council Account or to register for a new one.


Holiday Vouchers

Free Fun and Food Programme 

Struggling families in Nottingham are to receive more support over the holidays at outdoor holiday activity clubs through the Free Fun and Food Programme.

At these, FSM pupils and targeted non-FSM children will receive a free lunch, plus a programme of activities focused on healthy eating, fitness and mental health.

The HAF funding has been allocated from the Department for Education with certain criteria attached. This stipulates that the support for tackling holiday hunger should be through free school meals pupils attending holiday clubs.

Parents can book places, using their e-voucher codes which will be distributed directly to parents via email or text by Wonde (E-Vouchers).

If you are eligible for Free School Meals and have not received your Holiday Vouchers, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the main office on 0115 9151271.

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