Budget setting management

Utilising the latest software, our Finance Director manages a team of experts to deliver a robust budget setting service working alongside our individual Academy Headteachers and the Central Executive Team. Budgets are monitored through timely review meetings to ensure effective value for money is achieved at all times.

Integrated Curriculum Financial Planning (ICFP) Support

Our Chief Operating Officer is an accredited School Resource Management Advisor (SRMA) who works with schools and MATs to deliver considerable savings by applying the ICFP method. Through logical and benchmarking approaches the savings allow funds to be released to support school improvements that enrich our children’s lives as well as their education.

Audit and Risk

Our Finance Team our well versed with the Academy Trust Handbook along with all the systems and processes needed to meet and exceed the DFE requirements. Our external auditors provide a robust service and verify our thorough processes and procedures. Through detailed Risk analysis with each academy; Headteachers, Trustees and the Central Executive Team are aware of their priorities for the coming academic year. These are identified on their Risk Register which is updated periodically to eliminate or manage risk successfully.

The full three-year Trust Improvement Plan can be downloaded here.

Download Trust Improvement Plan
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