Statement of Intent
Unity Academy provides education for some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged key stage 4 pupils from across the City of Nottingham. Even though over half of our pupils receive the Pupil Premium Grant, we know that all are disadvantaged in some way, with the impact of the pandemic magnifying this.
All our pupils have been excluded from mainstream education, or at significant risk of. All require SEN support, with some having identified special educational needs and some as-yet-unidentified. As recognised nationally, we have significantly higher than typical percentages of pupils who are supported by professionals in social care, youth offending services, and child and adolescent mental health services.
All Unity pupils receive their education via alternative providers or independent schools, with some being educated by more than one provision. However, the academy aims to support the development of all pupils, including those disadvantaged as defined by the Pupil Premium Grant definitions. We must recognise that pupil progress is contextualised and needs-led and aimed to develop the whole child. This could include:
Progress in reading
The majority of pupils that are educated within alternative provisions typically have reading ages below their chronological age, which impacts their ability to engage in learning across all curriculum areas. Therefore, improving our pupils reading skills is a key priority.
Attendance is a barrier for pupils at alternative provisions, with pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds displaying higher levels of absence. Attendance will always be a priority of the academy as a child is unable to learn, develop and experience when absent.
Unity Academy aims to support the pupil into post 16 (education, employment and/or training) and beyond. However, the national picture regarding NEET figures for pupils who were permanently excluded from mainstream education is quite bleak and therefore this remains a priority.

Pupil Premium Funding
Our statement details our school’s use of pupil premium funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.