Partnerships: Business in the Community (BITC)

RET has shown their commitment to racial equality by signing up to the Race at Work Charter

Business in the Community (BITC) is pleased to announce that RET has joined over 600 employers in signing up to the Race at Work Charter, an initiative designed to improve outcomes for black, Asian and minority ethnic employees in the UK.

Launched in partnership with the UK government in 2018, the Race at Work Charter builds on the work of the 2017 McGregor-Smith Review, which found that people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds were still underemployed, underpromoted and under-represented at senior levels. The Race at Work Charter is a public commitment to improving the experiences of black, Asian and minority ethnic employees in the workplace. It sets out five actions for signatories like [insert company name] to take:

• Appointing an Executive Sponsor for race • Capturing data and publicising progress • Ensuring zero tolerance of harassment and bullying • Making equality in the workplace the responsibility of all leaders and managers • Taking action that supports ethnic minority career progression

This year, research carried out by Business in the Community (BITC) on the second anniversary of the landmark Race at Work Charter launch reveals:

• 76% of employers say that action on race recruitment and progression is a strategic priority but only 46% have set targets to improve the racial diversity of their • 99 per cent of employers have a clear zero-tolerance policy on racial harassment and bullying but only 38 per cent of employers have commissioned a review into bullying and harassment in the workplace – down from 45% in 2019.

About Business in the Community

Business in the community is the oldest and largest business-led membership organisation dedicated to responsible business. We were created nearly 40 years ago by HRH The Prince of Wales to champion responsible business.

We inspire, engage and challenge members and we mobilise that collective strength as a force for good in society to:

• Develop a skilled and inclusive workforce for today and tomorrow; • Build thriving communities where people want to live and work; • Innovate to sustain and repair our planet.

About the Race at Work Charter Survey

The Race at Work Charter survey, which is hosted by Business in the Community, explores employers’ commitments to improving the outcomes of black, Asian and ethnic minority employees in the workplace. It measures progress against the Race at Work Charter principles, which were launched in 2018.

114 employers completed the 2020 survey compared to 108 in 2019. These employers represent 1.4 million employees and are made up of 71 organisations in the private sector, 37 in the public sector and 6 in the third sector.

View the current Race at Work signatories




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